Kristie Braselton, LAMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

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Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy
Fuller Theological Seminary

Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Grand Canyon University

Recommended Readings:

Love Walked Among Us - Paul Miller

The Anatomy of the Soul - Curt Thompson

When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi

Gilead - Marilyn Robinson

Relationships are incredibly powerful forces in our lives. They can be the source of our deepest joy and our deepest pain. But healthy relationships do not always come easily. Despite our best intentions, we inevitably experience tension, confusion, and conflict at various points along the way.

As a Marriage and Family Therapist, it is my privilege to work with couples, individuals, children, and families as they navigate these challenging seasons of life.

I hold a Master of Arts in marriage and family therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Grand Canyon University. I would love to meet you, hear your story, and find out how I can help.

In addition to being a therapist, I am also an Arizona native, songwriter, Jesus-follower, wife, mom, and life-long learner. My husband and I have been married for 22+ years and are raising our five kids on an acre of land that we share with an ever-changing assortment of animals. Other things I love include Friday date nights, iced coffee, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and comfort food (which for me is all the food).

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